1980 |
Argentina |
Argentina, Centro Teosófico |
Retreat Centre |
Mr Ernesto Garcia |
Centro Teosófico |
Centro Teosófico website |
centroteosofico@yahoo.com.ar |
1920 |
Argentina |
Argentina |
Section |
Mr Leandro Cesano |
Argentinian Section |
Website of TS Argentina |
secretaria@sociedadteosofica.org.ar |
1978 |
Australia |
Indo-Pacific Theosophical Federation |
Federation |
Mr Gerard Brennan |
Indo-Pacific Federation (IPTF) |
IPF website |
gmj.brennan@gmail.com |
1895 |
Australia |
Australia |
Section |
Mr Stephen McDonald |
Australian Section |
Australian website |
pres@theosophicalsociety.org.au |
Australia |
Australia, Springbrook |
Retreat Centre |
Kay Schiefelbein |
Springbrook Theosophical Edu and Retreat Centre |
Springbrook Website |
info@tsretreat.com.au |
1912 |
Austria |
Austria |
Regional Association |
Mrs Karin Waltl |
Theosophical Association in Austria |
TS Austria website |
info@theosophischegesellschaft.com |
2013 |
Bangladesh |
Bangladesh |
Presidential Agency |
Mr Subrata Chowdhury |
Theosophical Agency in Bangladesh |
house_advocates@yahoo.com |
1903 |
Belgium |
Federation of National Societies in Europe |
Federation |
Mrs Sabine van Osta |
European Federation (EFTS) |
EFTS website |
info@ts-efts.eu |
1911 |
Belgium |
Belgium |
Section |
Mrs Sabine Van Osta |
The Belgium Section |
Belgium website |
info@ts-belgium.be |
1965 |
Bolivia |
Bolivia |
Presidential Agency |
Mrs Maria Luisa Cabrera |
The Bolivian Agency |
mlcp2@hotmail.com |
Brazil |
Instituto Teosófico de Brasília |
Retreat Centre |
Reserva Ecológica Paraíso na Terra |
O Instituto Teosófico de Brasília |
reservas@paraisonaterra.com.br |
1920 |
Brazil |
Brazil |
Section |
Mr Otavio Ernesto Marchesini |
The Brasilian Section |
Brasilian website |
secretaria@sociedadeteosofica.org.br |
1924 |
Canada |
Canada |
Regional Association |
Mr Robert Béland |
Canadian Theosophical Association |
TS Canada website |
president.atcta@gmail.com |
1920 |
Chile |
Chile |
Regional Association |
Mr Eric Alejandro Muñoz Concha |
Theosophical Agency in Chile |
TS Chile website |
sociedadteosoficachile@gmail.com |
1937 |
Colombia |
Colombia |
Presidential Agency |
Mr Armando Motta Zapata |
Presidential Agency |
Colombia website |
stsgamoz@gmail.com |
1997 |
Costa Rica |
Costa Rica |
Presidential Agency |
Mrs Cecilia Calderón |
Presidential Agency |
cmaycalderon@gmail.com |
1997 |
Côte d’Ivoire |
Ivory Coast / Côte d'Ivoire |
Regional Association |
Mr Pierre-Magloire Kouahoh |
Theosophical Association |
pm_kouahoh@hotmail.com |
2007 |
Croatia |
Croatia |
Lodge attached to |
Mr Darko Majstorović |
Lotus Lodge, attached to Adyar |
http://www.teozofija.net |
teozofija@teozofija.net |
1905 |
Cuba |
Cuba |
Section |
Mr Fidel Carrazana Macias |
The Cuban Section |
teosocuba.1@gmail.com |
1987 |
Dominican Republic |
Dominican Republic |
Presidential Agency |
Mrs Magaly Polanco |
Theosophical Agency in Dominican Republic |
polancomagaly@yahoo.com |
1929 |
El Salvador |
America, Central |
Regional Association |
Mrs Beatriz Elisena Martinez Pozas |
Central American Association |
TS Central America website |
elisenamartinez@gmail.com |
1953 |
Finland |
Finland, Retreat Centre |
Retreat Centre |
Mr Janne Lemettinen |
Kreivilä, Theosophical Summer-estate |
Kreivila Centre |
kreivila.kurssit@netti.fi |
1907 |
Finland |
Finland |
Section |
Mr Janne Vuononvirta |
The Finnish Section |
Website of the Finnish Section |
info@teosofinenseura.fi |
2012 |
France |
France, Marseilles |
Lodge attached to |
Mr Jean Iozia |
Arc en Ciel, and Ananda Lodges attached to Adyar |
j.iozia@sfr.fr |
1899 |
France |
France |
Section |
Ms Tran-Thi-Kim-Dieu |
The French Section |
TS France website |
tsfr.office@gmail.com |
1902 |
Germany |
Germany |
Section |
Mrs Manuela Kaulich |
The German Section |
TS German website |
theosophie-adyar@gmx.de |
1956 |
Ghana |
Africa, West |
Section |
Dr. K. A. Tutu |
The West African Section |
katutu@gmail.com |
1928 |
Greece |
Greece |
Section |
EG |
The Greek Section |
TS Greece website |
info@theosophicalsociety.gr |
1907 |
Hungary |
Hungary |
Presidential Agency |
Mrs Adrienne Nagyiday |
Presidential Agency |
TS Hungary website |
info@teozofia.hu |
1921 |
Iceland |
Iceland |
Section |
Mr Haraldur Erlendsson |
The Icelandic Section |
https://lifspekifelagid.is |
postur@lifspekifelagid.is |
India |
Bhowali Himalayan Centre |
Retreat Centre |
Indian Section |
Himalayan Centre of the Indian Section |
theosophyvns@gmail.com |
India |
Adyar Lodge at the HQ |
Lodge attached to |
Adyar Lodge, in the Headquarters |
adyarlodge@gmail.com |
1891 |
India |
India |
Section |
Mr Pradeep Gohil |
The Indian Section |
TS India website |
theosophyvns@gmail.com |
1875 |
India |
Adyar Headquarters |
Headquarter |
Mr Tim Boyd |
Theosophical Society |
Adyar website |
info@ts-adyar.org |
2019 |
India |
School |
Ms Sonal Murali |
Adyar Theosophical Academy |
ATA website |
adyaracademy@gmail.com |
2022 |
India |
World Federation of Young Theosophists |
Federation |
WFYT info |
WFYT World Federation of Young Theosophists |
WFYT website |
infowfyt@gmail.com |
1894 |
India |
Olcott Memorial Higher Secondary School |
School |
Mrs Lalitha Rajamani |
OMHSS: School up to Grade 12 |
olcott.school.ts.chennai@gmail.com |
1912 |
Indonesia |
Indonesia |
Section |
Mr Widyatmoko |
The Indonesian Section |
Indonesia.theosofi@gmail.com |
1919 |
Ireland |
Ireland |
Regional Association |
Mrs Marie Harkness |
Theosophical Association in Ireland |
TS Hungary website |
marieharkness@yahoo.co.uk |
1954 |
Israel |
Israel |
Lodge attached to |
Mr Abraham Oron |
Covenant Lodge, attached to Adyar |
TS Israel website |
oravr@netvision.net.il |
1902 |
Italy |
Italy |
Section |
Mr Antonio Girardi |
The Italian Section |
Italian website |
sti@teosofica.org |
1971 |
Japan |
Japan |
Lodge attached to |
Mr Naoto Okamoto |
Nippon Lodge, Part of Presidential Agency for Asia |
http://theosophy.jp/ |
info@theosophy.jp |
Kenya |
Pan-African Federation (PATF) |
Federation |
Mr Navin B. Shah |
PATF Pan-African Theosophical Federation |
navinmeera@hotmail.com |
1947 |
Kenya |
Africa, East and Central |
Section |
Mr Narendra M. Shah |
TS in Africa East and Central |
TS website |
narendrashahi999@gmail.com |
1929 |
Malaysia |
Malaysia |
Lodge attached to |
Ms Ng Ay Na |
Malaysia, Part of Presidential Agency for Asia |
TS Malesia website |
namijing@gmail.com |
Mexico |
Inter-American Federation (IATF) |
Federation |
Mr Enrique Reig |
IATF - Inter-American Theosophical Federation |
https://www.americateosofica.org/ |
fti.secretaria2021@gmail.com |
1919 |
Mexico |
Mexico |
Section |
Mrs. Juana Leonor Maldonado Ruíz |
The Mexican Section |
TS Mexico website |
teosofiaenmexico@gmail.com |
1885 |
Myanmar (Burma) |
Myanmar |
Lodge attached to |
Mr U Htay Myint |
Olcott Lodge, Part of Presidential Agency for Asia |
mr.htaymyint@gmail.com |
1897 |
Netherlands |
Netherlands |
Section |
Mr Ingmar de Boer |
The Dutch Section |
Dutch Section website |
info@theosofie.nl |
1925 |
Netherlands |
Netherlands, ITC Naarden |
Retreat Centre |
Mr Arend Heijbroek |
International Theosophical Centre, ITC Naarden |
ITC Naarden website |
info@itc-naarden.org |
1896 |
New Zealand |
New Zealand |
Section |
Mr Richard Sell |
The New Zealand Section |
TS New Zealand website |
np@theosophy.org.nz |
1913 |
Norway |
Norway |
Regional Association |
Mr Audun Solberg |
Theosophical Association in Norway |
TS Norway website |
organisasjonssekretaer@teosofisksamfunn.no |
1948 |
Pakistan |
Pakistan |
Presidential Agency |
tbn |
Theosophical Agency in Pakistan |
mushtaqjindani@gmail.com |
1925 |
Paraguay |
Paraguay |
Lodge attached to |
Sr Blas Osvaldo Añazco López |
Rama Fraternidad, Lodge attached to Adyar |
TS Paraguay website |
ramafraternidadSTparaguay@hotmail.com |
1924 |
Peru |
Peru |
Presidential Agency |
Mr Julio Pomar Calderon |
Theosophical Agency in Peru |
TS Peru website |
st.peru.web@gmail.com |
1933 |
Philippines |
Philippines |
Section |
Mr Charlton Romero |
The Philippine Section |
TS website |
philtheos@gmail.com |
1921 |
Portugal |
Portugal |
Section |
Mr Carlos Guerra |
The Portuguese Section |
Website |
geral@sociedadeteosoficadeportugal.pt |
1925 |
Puerto Rico |
Puerto Rico |
Presidential Agency |
Mrs Magaly Polanco |
Theosophical Agency in Puerto Rico |
polancomagaly@yahoo.com |
2012 |
Qatar |
Qatar |
Lodge attached to |
Mr Lijo Joseph |
Blavatsky Lodge, attached to Adyar |
qatarblavatskylodge@yahoo.com |
2013 |
Russia |
Russia |
Regional Association |
Mr Svyatoslav Lipsky |
Regional Association |
TS Russia in Wiki |
secretary@ts-russia.org |
1889 |
Singapore |
Singapore |
Presidential Agency |
Mr Chong Sanne |
Singapore Lodge, Part of Pres.Agency for Asia |
Singapore website |
sanne@theosophyasia.net |
1990 |
Singapore |
Asia, East and Southeast |
Presidential Agency |
Mr Chong Sanne |
Presidential Agency for Asia |
Asia website |
sanne@theosophyasia.net |
1992 |
Slovenia |
Slovenia |
Regional Association |
Mrs Irena Primc |
Theosophical Association in Slovenia |
TS Slovenia website |
irenaprimc3@gmail.com |
1909 |
South Africa |
Africa, South |
Section |
Mr Desmond Chapman |
The South African Section |
TS in South Africa website |
tsinsa.gensec@gmail.com |
1921 |
Spain |
Spain |
Section |
Mrs Angeles Torra Buron |
The Spanish Section |
TS Spain website |
presidencia@sociedadteosofica.es |
1926 |
Sri Lanka |
Sri Lanka |
Presidential Agency |
Mr D.A.L. Wanigasekera |
Theosophical Agency in Sri Lanka |
dumindawanigasekera@gmail.com |
1895 |
Sweden |
Sweden |
Section |
Mrs Birgitta Skärbo |
The Swedish Section |
TS Sweden website |
teosofiska.samfundet.adyar@gmail.com |
2024 |
Switzerland |
Switzerland, Ascona |
Retreat Centre |
Andrea Biasca-Caroni |
The Ascona Retreat |
Ascona Retreat website |
info@teosofia.ch |
1910 |
Switzerland |
Switzerland |
Presidential Agency |
Mr Andrea Biasca-Caroni |
Theosophical Agency in Switzerland |
TS Switzerland website |
info@teosofia.ch |
1997 |
Togo |
Togo |
Regional Association |
Mr Kouma Dakey |
Theosophical Association in Togo |
2013 |
Ukraine |
Ukraine |
Section |
Mrs Svitlana Gavrylenko |
Theosophical Association in Ukraine |
TS websit |
org@theosophy.in.ua |
2017 |
Ukraine |
Ukraine, Тheosophical summer estate |
Retreat Centre |
Mr Viktor Perevalov |
Cultural center - H.P. Blavatsky |
http://theosophy.in.ua/ |
org@theosophy.in.ua |
1910 |
United Kingdom |
Scotland |
Regional Association |
Mr Gary Kidgell |
Theosophical Association in Scotland |
garykidgell@hotmail.com |
1888 |
United Kingdom |
England and Wales |
Section |
Mrs Jenny Baker |
The English Section |
England and Wales website |
president@theosoc.org.uk |
1886 |
United States |
United States, American Headquarters |
Section |
Mr Douglas Keene |
The American Section |
TS America website |
info@theosophical.org |
1927 |
United States |
United States, Indralaya |
Retreat Centre |
Megan & Barbie Luna, General Managers |
Indralaya |
#http://www.indralaya.com/ |
office@indralaya.org |
1924 |
United States |
United States, Krotona Institute |
Retreat Centre |
Maria Parisen /Krotona School |
Krotona Institute of Theosophy |
https://www.krotonainstitute.org |
info@krotonainstitute.org |
1935 |
United States |
United States, Orlando |
Lodge attached to |
Mrs Patricia Dowdell |
Orlando Lodge, attached to Adyar |
theosophicalSocietyCF@gmail.com |
1937 |
United States |
United States, Pumpkin Hollow |
Retreat Centre |
Michael Sellon |
Pumpkin Hollow Retreat Center |
http://www.pumpkinhollow.org |
info@pumpkinhollow.org |
1925 |
Uruguay |
Uruguay |
Regional Association |
Mrs Ema Ma. de Souza Leal |
Theosophical Association in Uruguay |
st.uruguay@gmail.com |
1925 |
Venezuela |
Venezuela |
Presidential Agency |
Mrs Nelly Nouel |
Presidential Delegation |
nellynouel5@gmail.com |