More than one hundred gatherings so far
In December every year, the northeast monsoon departs, leaving the Estate fresh, alive, green and nourished. A few weeks later, from 31 December to 5 January, an important event for Theosophists takes place: the International Convention.
There have been more than one hundred such gatherings.
Delegates arrive from everywhere, the majority from the Indian sub-continent, as well as from other countries around the world. Their number fluctuates between 1,000 and 1,500 but on special occasions such as the Adyar Centenary Convention in 1982, numbers have reached 2,000 or more.
The Convention transforms the tranquil Adyar Estate into a busy centre with delegates accommodated in the main guesthouses, private homes, and other buildings. They come to participate in what is a unique annual international gathering, and to see Adyar, 'The Home of the Masters.'
The Convention is also an opportunity for members of the Society from many lands to become acquainted with the international fraternity and meet old friends. There is a great deal of activity at this time. Services include information booths, book displays and sales, various stalls and a South Indian restaurant under a large palm-leaf structure built especially for the Convention period.
During the Convention, through lectures, some of them by eminent Theosophists, philosophers, scientists and thinkers, and through symposia, dialogues and discussions, the members of the Society examine the meaning and significance of Theosophy in the context of the present-day world and individual problems.
At the 88th International Convention, the fifth International President of the Society, N. Sri Ram said:
'Every Convention is a kind of peak we ascend as well as an occasion from which to look back and look forward. It provides an atmosphere in which each of us can best realize what this movement is intended to achieve and what one can do to help it.'
1977 Discovery and Integration
1978 Transformation
1979 He who opens the Door
1980 -----
1981 -----
1982 -----
1983 Theosophy, the Heart of Tomorrow
1984 -----
1985 -----
1986 -----
1987 Be a Lamp unto Yourself
1988 Knowledge and Wisdom
1989 The Regeneration of Man
1990 The Timeless Wisdom Religion
1991 A Clean Life, an Open Mind, a Pure Heart ... !
1992 Moral Values and Spiritual Transformation
1993 Live to Benefit Mankind
1994 Where you are, Love is not
1995 Relationship – Awakening to Oneness
1996 The True, the Good and the Beautiful
1997 The Art of Living
1998 To Thine Own Self Be True
1999 A New Dawn
2000 The Theosophical Society – Still in the Vanguard –
2001 Prepare – and Enter the Path
2002 The Spiritual Regeneration of Humanity
2003 A New Direction of Thought
2004 Yoga is Skill in Action
2005 Are We Alive to the Truth of Theosophy
2006 A Constant Eye to Human Perfection
2007 From Within Comes True Guidance
2008 Action Without Attachment
2009 Science and Spirituality in the light of Theosophy
2010 Theosophical Teachings on the Path
2011 A Regenerating Practical Brotherhood
2012 The Present Shapes the Future
2013 New Mind for a New World
2014 Theosophy in a Changing World (139th Conv)
2015 Compassion and Universal Responsibility (140th Conv)
2016 Beyond Illusion: A Call to Unity