Your donations are welcome
The Theosophical Society is a non-profit organization. The International Headquarters has been situated at Adyar, Chennai, India, since 1882. Throughout this period, various activities have been carried out here which support the Society’s Objects. Inherent in these Objects is a commitment to serve. This service reaches out to fellow human beings in need, as care for animal and the environment. To give is a way to support theosophical work, which is based on voluntary work to spread theosophy and share the wisdom with everyone interested.
Donate Quick & Easy - Indian citizens can donate through this
A quick and easy way to donate to our targets in Indian Rupees (INR) can be done via this Donation page.
Unfortunately, donations with other than Indian debit/credit cards are not functional via the Donation page buttons.
This tax-deductible gift helps to fulfil the Theosophical Society's highly valued encourage, respect and explore the One Life (Mission).
Foreign currency transfer through Bank Account
Request the bank account details from the Treasurer. email:
Theosophical Work
Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated and may be given to the General purpose. In addition, the Theosophical Society has a number of Reserves used for the work carried out by the International Headquarters. Mention in your gift the projects you wish your donation to be put towards. We take all care that your donation is properly handled.
Projects: Adyar estate, Adyar renovation, Education, Adyar Library, Art conservation, Animal Dispensary, Programs like School of the Wisdom, President's Discretion, General, Olcott Education Society (Olcott School, Day Care of children, Boys' Hostel).