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- At Adyar Campus Lodge Meeting
Talk on Col. H. S. Olcott

Tea at 4 pm

Lecture on 4.30 pm


All are  welcome

Mrs Veena Ramachandran
- In-Person Lodge Meeting
Study and discussion on 'Outline of Theosophy'

Tea at 4 pm

Discussion at 4.30 pm

All are welcome

Group interaction
- At Adyar Campus MTF Meeting
The Challenges of a Shrinking World

Tea at 4 pm

Lecture at 4.30 pm

All are welcome

Ms Sonal Murali
- In-Person School of the Wisdom
The Meditative Brain, a Challenge to the Digital Revolution

"The Meditating Brain, a Challenge of the Digital Revolution" is a seminar about our nervous system, how our brain processes information and creates our reality.

Dr Jose Foglia
- In-Person Public Talk
The Urgency of a New Culture

Tea at 4 pm

4:30pm Lecture by Jose Foglia from Uruguay

Dr Jose Foglia is the Director of the School of the Wisdon Session starting on 22 January until 2 February 2018. One must  apply to the SOW. Restricted attendance.

All are welcome to the Lecture

Dr Jose Foglia
- In-Person School of the Wisdom
Self-Transformation and the Spiritual Life

Recommended for theosophists to have practical tools for application in one's life and for the work in Lodges and Sections.

Vicente Hao Chin Jr
- In-Person Public Talk
The Heart's Wisdom

PUBLIC LECTURE                                               Adyar Theatre

“The Heart's Wisdom”

Mr Tim Boyd, International President, TS Adyar

Mr Tim Boyd
- In-Person Public Talk
The Great Awakening: Is It All in the Mind?

PUBLIC LECTURE                                               Adyar Theatre

“The Great Awakening: Is It All in the Mind?”

Ms Dorothy Bell, Australia

Ms Dorothy Bell
- In-Person Public Talk
Tamil: the Glory of India

BESANT LECTURE                                             Adyar Theatre

“Tamil: the Glory of India”

Prof. Lokesh Chandra, President, ICCR

(Indian Council for Cultural Relations), Delhi

Prof. Lokesh Chandra
- In-Person Public Talk
Yoga & Social Cognition: Clinical Applications

THEOSOPHY-SCIENCE LECTURE                  Adyar Theatre

“Yoga & Social Cognition: Clinical Applications”

Prof. B. N. Gangadhar, Vice Chancellor and Director,

​National Institute of Mental Health & Neurosciences,

Prof. B. N. Gangadhar
- At Adyar Campus Convention
From Teachings to Insight: The Altruistic Heart

YouTube Video Playlist : Adyar Convention 2017, all videos

Convention gives an opportunity for Theosophists to meet friends (old and new) 

Mr Tim Boyd
- In-Person School of the Wisdom
Concept and Reality

The first 5 days the accent will be on the texts that have been recommen­ded below. Based on the third book and on my own experience, we will practise meditation daily and after the 10th December we can shift the accent from the intellectual to the experiential.

Ven. Olande Ananda Thera
- In-Person School of the Wisdom
The Spiritual Path of the Theosophical Movement

We will look at the Objects and Aims of the Society, the Path as outlined in the Maha-Chohan’s Letter, and again in The Key to Theosophy. We will look at the topic as presented by the Mahatmas in their Letters, as well as by HPB in her correspondence.

Mr Jon Knebel
- In-Person Foundation Day
Truth and Freedom in the Anthropocene Context


5:15 p.m.— Headquarters Hall

Universal Prayer

Children’s Chanting
Olcott Memorial Higher Secondary School

Welcome Address 
Mr Tim Boyd
International President

Mr Helmut Schippert
- At Adyar Campus Lodge Meeting
Group discussion on 'At the Feet of the Master'

'At the Feet of the Master - Reading and discussion at 12 noon

Annual General Meeting at 1:15 pm

Group interaction
- At Adyar Campus MTF Meeting
Tamil Literature - A Votary of Universal Brotherhood

4:00 pm Tea

4:30 pm Talk by Dr V. V. Submaniam, Retd. Principal, Vivekananda College


Dr V. V. Subramaniam
- At Adyar Campus Lodge Meeting
Cell Transplant in Blood Cancer Patients

An awareness programme on Stem Cell Transplant in Blood Cancer Patients is to be conducted by Ms C. J. Saranya from Datri Blood Stem Cell Research Registry at the Adyar Lodge Meeting on Sunday, 22 October 2017, at 4.30 p.m. in the Headquarters Hall of the Theosophical Society, Adyar.

Ms C. J. Saranya
- At Adyar Campus Lodge Meeting
Annie Besant - The Great Builder and Seeker for Truth

Tea at 4.00 pm

Talk at 4.30pm

Two talks:

Annie Besant - The Great Builder, by Mrs Upasika Maithreya

Annie Besant - The Great Seeker of Truth, by Ms C. Aditi Maithreya


Mrs Upasika and Ms Aditi Maithreya
- In-Person Lodge Meeting
Group discussion on 'At the Feet of the Master'

Welcome to the group discussion

Group interaction
- In-Person Annie Besant Birthday
Celebration with the International President

On Saturday 1st October 2017 at 09.15 am

in the Headquarters Hall


Mr Tim Boyd
- At Adyar Campus MTF Meeting
Western and Eastern philosophies - some commonalities in approach

Tea at 4 pm

Talk at 4:30 pm


Prof. Arvind Sivaramakrishnan
- In-Person Public Talk
Dr Annie Besant - A Diamond Soul

Tea at 4 pm

Lecture at 4:30 pm 'Dr Annie Besant - A Diamond Soul'

All are welcome

Dr Revathy
- In-Person Lodge Meeting
Few theosophical Questions & Answers - Study and discussion

Tea at 4 pm

Lecture at 4:30 pm "Few theosophical Questions & Answers - Study and discussion"

All are welcome

Mr G. Ramakrishnan
- In-Person MTF Meeting
Origin and Development of Yoga

tea 4.00 pm, talk 4.30 pm

All are welcome

Dr K. S. Balasubramaniam Ph. D.
- In-Person Conference
38th European Congress

The 38th European Congress will take place from 21 to 26 August, 2017,
in Barcelona, Spain. The theme of the Congress is Theosophy: A Way towards Universal Consciousness.

EFTS = European Federation of the Theosophical Society
