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Event Date Online or Place Category Subject Speaker
- At Adyar Campus Lodge Meeting
Cell Transplant in Blood Cancer Patients
Ms C. J. Saranya
- At Adyar Campus Lodge Meeting
Annie Besant - The Great Builder and Seeker for Truth
Mrs Upasika and Ms Aditi Maithreya
- In-Person Lodge Meeting
Group discussion on 'At the Feet of the Master'
Group interaction
- In-Person Annie Besant Birthday
Celebration with the International President
Mr Tim Boyd
- At Adyar Campus MTF Meeting
Western and Eastern philosophies - some commonalities in approach
Prof. Arvind Sivaramakrishnan
- In-Person Public Talk
Dr Annie Besant - A Diamond Soul
Dr Revathy
- In-Person Lodge Meeting
Few theosophical Questions & Answers - Study and discussion
Mr G. Ramakrishnan
- In-Person MTF Meeting
Origin and Development of Yoga
Dr K. S. Balasubramaniam Ph. D.
- In-Person Conference
38th European Congress
Several Speakers
- At Adyar Campus Lodge Meeting
Remembering H. P. B.
Group interaction
- At Adyar Campus Lodge Meeting
Significance of the Ritual of the Mystic Star
Mr Vinay Kumar Patri
- At Adyar Campus Public Talk
Krishnamurti and the Ageless Wisdom
Clemice Petter
- In-Person Lodge Meeting
To Flow is to Change
Clemice Petter
- In-Person Conference
A Nucleus of Universal Brotherhood – World’s Healing Force
ITC (International Theosophy Conferences Inc.)
- In-Person Public Talk
Awareness of Snakes
Mr Shravan Krishnan
- In-Person MTF Meeting
TOS: The Face of Service
Ms Nancy Secrest
- In-Person Lodge Meeting
Adyar and its Environment
Dr K. S. Devadass
- In-Person Lodge Meeting
Chants of India
Ms Jaishree Kannan
- In-Person Public Talk
In the Light of Theosophy - Sri Ramanuja
Prof. C. A. Shinde
- In-Person Cultural
Movie evening about Wesak
No name
- In-Person MTF Meeting
Challenge and the Challenged
Mr Harihara Raghavan
- In-Person Lodge Meeting
Human Regeneration by Radha Burnier
Group interaction
- In-Person Lodge Meeting
Certain Practices in Buddhism
Dr Narayan Kutty
- In-Person MTF Meeting
Science and Un-Scientific
Mr Anoop Jaiswal
- In-Person Lodge Meeting
Talk in Tamil
Mr Harihara Raghavan