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- In-Person Lodge Meeting
A Discourse on the 14th Chapter of the Bhagwad Gita

TEA served at 4pm, before the meeting.

A Discourse on the 14th Chapter of the Bhagwad Gita (Gunatraya Vibhaga Yoga)
by Shri H.G.Stoka Krishna Dasa - President of ISKCON, Chennai.

Shri H.G.Stoka Krishna Dasa
- In-Person MTF Meeting
The Central Focus of Theosophy

Dr N. C. Ramanujachari is scheduled to speak on ‘The Central Focus of Theosophy’ at the Madras Theosophical Federation Inter-Lodges Meeting on Sunday 31 August, 2016, at 4.30 pm in the Headquarters Hall of the Theosophical Society, Adyar.

Dr N. C. Ramanujachary
- In-Person Lodge Meeting
Adyar Lodge, talk on Meditation

Tea will be served at 4pm

Talk will start at 4:30pm

Talk on Meditation by Mrs Uma Bhattacharyya.

Mrs Uma Bhattacharyya
- In-Person Lodge Meeting
Gandhi Nagar Lodge, group interaction

Tea will be served at 4 pm

Talk starts at 4.30pm

‘The Theosophic Life’ by Annie Besant — Reading and Discussion

Group interaction
- In-Person Lodge Meeting
Adyar Lodge, talk: Theosophical Work in Europe

Tea will be served at 4 pm

Talk starts at 4.30pm

A talk 'Theosophical Work in Europe', by Dr Chittaranjan Satapathy, International Vice President


Dr Chittaranjan Satapathy
- In-Person Lodge Meeting
Laws of Karma (in Tamil language)
Public lecture. Laws of Karma (talk in Tamil) Prof. N. Ratnam
- In-Person Lodge Meeting
Theosophy and Science
Adyar Lodge Dr (Mrs) Jaya Indus
- In-Person Conference
93rd South India Conference 'Light on The Path'



ADYAR - Headquarters Hall

25, 26 and 27 March 2016

Theme: Light on the Path

Several Speakers
- In-Person Lodge Meeting
The Theosophical Society and its vision of Universal Brotherhood
Adyar Lodge Mrs Laura Rodrigues
- In-Person MTF Meeting
Reincarnation and Karma - Edgar Cayce Perspectives
Madras Theosophical Federation Mr J. Srinivasan
- In-Person Adyar Day
Talk by N Sri Ram: The General Work of the Theosophical Society
N Sri Ram's audio recording N. Sri Ram
- In-Person Adyar Day

A procession of students of the Olcott Memorial Higher Secondary School will pass through the portico of Headquarters Hall.

Several Speakers
- In-Person Public Talk
Mystic Quest for Reality

Public lecture

"Mystic Quest for Reality" is a presentation in the light Theosophy of Sufism.

All are welcome

Marja Artamaa
- In-Person Conference
International gathering of Young Theosophists
In 2016 there will be a Theosophical Gathering of Young Theosophists in Brazil, again! And at this time it will be I-N-T-E-R-N-A-T-I-O-N-A-L!!!
World Federation Young Theosophists
- In-Person MTF Meeting
Theosophy through the Eyes of Bharathanatyam

Tea at 4:00 pm

Public lecture

Ms Jyotsna Narayanan
- In-Person Public Talk
Adyar Slide Show (see link)

Mr Richard Dvorak will hold a

slide-show of Adyar Photographs.


- In-Person Lodge Meeting
Does Responsibility Restrain Freedom?

TEA served at 4:00 pm, before the meeting.

Ms Tran-Thi-Kim-Dieu
- In-Person School of the Wisdom
Glimpses on Chinese Philosophies in the Light of Theosophy

Wisdom, the universal heritage, cannot be confined to a particular region on earth. Almost at the same epoch of the flowering of great philosophies in India, another part of the East, namely China, witnessed the blossoming of great philosophical thinkers.

Ms Tran-Thi-Kim-Dieu
- In-Person Lodge Meeting
Lessons of Humanity from the Chennai Floods

At the Youth Headquarters, near the Leadbeater Chambers building.

Lessons of Humanity from the Chennai Floods’ — Group Interaction

Group interaction
- In-Person Seminar
Personal Identity and Environmental Challenges
With Special Focus on Post Colonial Indian Situation. The Adyar Library and Research Centre & Vishnu Mohan Foundation, Chennai Mr Tim Boyd
- Online Public Talk
Reversing the Flow: A Conscious Choic


Public Lecture during the International Convention

Mr Tim Boyd is the International President of the TS

Mr Tim Boyd
- Online Public Talk
The Power of Awareness


Vicente Hao Chin Jr
- Online Public Talk
THEOSOPHY-SCIENCE LECTURE: Neurophysiology of Compassion


Theosophy-Science Lecture during the International Convention

Mr José Foglia is a Neurologist from Uruguay

Dr Jose Foglia
- Online Public Talk
BESANT LECTURE: Passion, dispassion, and compassion


Public Lecture during the International Convention

Lecturer is Honorable Mr Justice V. Ramasubramanian, India

Honorable Mr Justice V. Ramasubramanian
- Online Public Talk
Compassion as Radical Living


Mrs Linda Oliveira