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Event Date Online or Place Category Subject Speaker
- In-Person Lodge Meeting
Advantages of Attending Lodge Meetings
Marja Artamaa
- In-Person Conference
95th South India Conference
Several Speakers
- At Adyar Campus Conference
TOS South Zone Conference
TOS Chennai Region
- In-Person Lodge Meeting
Interaction with NEW MEMBERS
Group interaction
- In-Person Lodge Meeting
Study and discussion on 'Outline of Theosophy'
No name
- In-Person MTF Meeting
The Third Object of the TS
Dr M. A. Ravindran
- In-Person Lodge Meeting
The Temples in TS Adyar
Dr N. C. Ramanujachary
- At Adyar Campus Adyar Day
Inauguration of the Adyar Nature and Environment Centre
Friends of Adyar
- At Adyar Campus Adyar Day
Several Speakers
- At Adyar Campus Lodge Meeting
Talk on Col. H. S. Olcott
Mrs Veena Ramachandran
- In-Person Lodge Meeting
Study and discussion on 'Outline of Theosophy'
Group interaction
- At Adyar Campus MTF Meeting
The Challenges of a Shrinking World
Ms Sonal Murali
- In-Person School of the Wisdom
The Meditative Brain, a Challenge to the Digital Revolution
Dr Jose Foglia
- In-Person Public Talk
The Urgency of a New Culture
Dr Jose Foglia
- In-Person School of the Wisdom
Self-Transformation and the Spiritual Life
Vicente Hao Chin Jr
- In-Person Public Talk
The Heart's Wisdom
Mr Tim Boyd
- In-Person Public Talk
The Great Awakening: Is It All in the Mind?
Ms Dorothy Bell
- In-Person Public Talk
Tamil: the Glory of India
Prof. Lokesh Chandra
- In-Person Public Talk
Yoga & Social Cognition: Clinical Applications
Prof. B. N. Gangadhar
- At Adyar Campus Convention
From Teachings to Insight: The Altruistic Heart
Mr Tim Boyd
- In-Person School of the Wisdom
Concept and Reality
Ven. Olande Ananda Thera
- In-Person School of the Wisdom
The Spiritual Path of the Theosophical Movement
Mr Jon Knebel
- In-Person Foundation Day
Truth and Freedom in the Anthropocene Context
Mr Helmut Schippert
- At Adyar Campus Lodge Meeting
Group discussion on 'At the Feet of the Master'
Group interaction
- At Adyar Campus MTF Meeting
Tamil Literature - A Votary of Universal Brotherhood
Dr V. V. Subramaniam