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Event Date Online or Place Category Subject Speaker
- Online School of the Wisdom
Sanskrit: The Divine Language
Dr Sadananda Das
- In-Person Wisdom for Living
Spiritual filters for effective communication
Dr Vasudha Prakash
- In-Person Cultural
Dhrupad - Indian classical music
Shri Mukund Dev Sahoo
- Online School of the Wisdom
From intellectual understanding to life practice: Foundations of the Buddha’s teaching in the Light of Theosophy
Ms Tran-Thi-Kim-Dieu
- Online School of the Wisdom
La sabiduría del bosque: una introducción a las Upaniṣads
Prof. Óscar Figueroa
- In-Person Annie Besant Birthday
Rising India - That was Annie Besant's Dream
S Gurumurthy
- Online School of the Wisdom
The Fundamentals of Advaita Vedanta / Tattva-bodha Cycle II
Dr Radha Raghunathan
- In-Person Wisdom for Living
Spiritual Ideals to handle stress
Swami Mahamedhananda
- Online School of the Wisdom
The Fundamentals of Advaita Vedanta / A Lead-in to Vedanta Cycle I
Dr Radha Raghunathan
- In-Person Congress
Healing Oneself, Healing the World
Mr Tim Boyd
- Online School of the Wisdom
An Introduction to the Ageless Wisdom
Vicente Hao Chin Jr
- In-Person Seminar
Retreat with Tran-Thi-Kim-Diêu
Ms Tran-Thi-Kim-Dieu
- In-Person Seminar
Exploring the Powers Latent in Humankind
Mr Tim Boyd
- In-Person Conference
Treading the Path to Self-Transformation
Tim Boyd and Vicente Hao Chin Jr
- In-Person Cultural
Song for every Sky
LEAP Boundary Breakers
- In-Person White Lotus Day
White Lotus Day 2022
Mr Tim Boyd
- Online School of the Wisdom
Meditación: El Por Qué y el Cómo Según Distintas Tradiciones
Mrs Juliana Cesano
- Online School of the Wisdom
To keep on Being
Ven. Olande Ananda Thera
- Online School of the Wisdom
El Yoga-Sūtra como Ciencia del Autoconocimiento: Un Enfoque Teosófico
Ricardo Lindemann
- Online Adyar Day
Reminiscences by Fritz Kunz, Initiator of Adyar Day
Fritz Kunz
- Online School of the Wisdom
LA TEOSOFÍA EN SUS FUENTES: las grandes enseñanzas de la Filosofía Esotérica a través de la religiones y filosofías de la antigüedad
Esteban R. Langlois
- Online School of the Wisdom
Right Living in Modern Society
Prof. P. Krishna
- At Adyar Campus Convention
Living in the Now: Challenges of the Inner Life
Mr Tim Boyd
- In-Person Foundation Day
The Lives and Work of the Three Founders of the TS
Ms Nancy Secrest
- Online School of the Wisdom
The Voice of the Silence: Inner Preparation for the Bodhisattva Path
Linda Oliveira and Pedro Oliveira