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Event Date Online or Place Category Subject Speaker
- In-Person Conference
The World Around Us
Prof. C. A. Shinde
- In-Person Libraries as Communities
Books on Meditation at ALRC
Marja Artamaa
- In-Person MTF Meeting
Evolution of Ethics
Dr Manu Jaiswal
- In-Person Wisdom for Living
How to prevent Orthopaedic problems...
Dr Balaji Srinivasan
- Online School of the Wisdom
Expanding our Understanding of Compassion
Dr Barbara Hebert
- Online School of the Wisdom
Simbología y teosofía
Maria Carmen César Galante
- In-Person Wisdom for Living
The Spiritual Science of knowing..
Gita Krishnaraj
- In-Person MTF Meeting
The Scientific Approach to Vedanta
Dr V. V. S. Raveendra
- In-Person Public Talk
An evening with Robert Macfarlane
Mr Robert Macfarlane
- In-Person Adyar Day
Adyar Master's Home
Mr Shikhar Agnihotri
- In-Person Lodge Meeting
Discussion "At the Feet of the Master" by Alcyone
Group interaction
- Online School of the Wisdom
Pasado, presente y futuro de la humanidad
Esteban R. Langlois
- In-Person Cultural
DraMAYAma - film
Mrs Jeanette Groenendal
- In-Person Training
Aprendiendo a Buscar Refugio Solamente en lo Eterno
Dr Enrique Reig (FTI president) and Isaac Jauli Dávila
- In-Person MTF Meeting
Introduction to Theosophy
Dr Revathy
- In-Person School of the Wisdom
Vegan Cooking Class
Chef Nidhi Sharma
- Online School of the Wisdom
Los Mahatmas y la Sociedad Teosófica: Origen y Propósito
Ms Isis M. B. Resende
- In-Person School of the Wisdom
Chanting Workshop
Ms Jaishree Kannan
- In-Person School of the Wisdom
The Necessary Journey of Self-transformation
Prof.Emeritus Ravi Ravindra
- At Adyar Campus MTF Meeting
Talk by the International President
Mr Tim Boyd
- In-Person School of the Wisdom
Contemplative Walk through Nature and to hear about the History of the Adyar Campus
Mr Shikhar Agnihotri
- At Adyar Campus Convention
Our Responsibility in the Interconnected World
Mr Tim Boyd
- In-Person Convention
"The Hidden Side of Things"
World Federation Young Theosophists
- In-Person Wisdom for Living
Ecology, Environment, Nature and Conservation
Dr Ravi Chellam
- In-Person Foundation Day
Theosophy & the Theosophical Society: Opportunity that knocked humanity’s door
Mr Shikhar Agnihotri