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Dates: October 12 - 28, every Wednesday and Friday
Time: at 4 PM Paris, 2:00 PM GMT, 7:30 PM IST (India Time),
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The sessions will consistently lead the inquirers into the process of moving from intellectual understanding to life practice. A serious examination of the foundation of the Buddha’s teaching, such as impermanence, interdependence, the phenomenon of suffering, etc. will open the doors of insight into compassion. Being both the living heart and the love-radiating light of the whole teaching, compassion acts like a catalyst for self-revolution, the first step towards Self-realisation. The fact of suffering will be explored, aiming at the freedom of oneself from this phenomenon. Practical tips will be given when going through the whole doctrine (Four Noble Truths, Eightfold Noble Path, Pañcaśīla, etc.). Most profound concepts such as emptiness (Śūnyatā) and the Middle Way (Mādhyamaka) will be touched upon. A reminder of texts for practice and a bibliography will be given.
Every session will begin and end with a short meditation.