Dr Radha Raghunathan
Hon. Director of the Adyar Library and Research Centre
- Author, editor, critic and independent researcher in manuscripts and Advaita and Viśiṣṭādvaita Vedānta.
- Hon. Director and Gen. Editor, ALRC since Nov. 2019
- Published articles on philosophy in prestigious journals and presented papers at various seminars including Indian Council for Philosophical Research (ICPR), Indian Philosophical Congress (IPC) and Sree Shankaracharya Univ. for Sanskrit, Kalady, who have an MOU with ALRC.
- Published works include Translation with Notes on Ādi Śaṃkarācārya’sNirvāṇa-ṣaṭkam (Shankara Jyanti Vol. – 2013, Adi Shankara Vedanta Pratishthanam, Bhubaneswar), A Critical Edition and Translation of Jñānāṅkuśam with Two Commentaries (ALRC, 2017), Bellaṁkoṇḍa Rāmarāya Kavi’s Vedānta Muktāvalī with Introduction and Notes (Chinmaya International Foundation Shodhasansthan, Veliyanad, 2018), Special Volume of Brahmavidyā Commemorating Ramanuja’s Sahasrābdi (Adyar Library and Research Centre (ALRC) Annual Bulletin 2017-2018), Translation with Notes on Parāśara Bhaṭṭar’s Aṣṭaślokī in Sanskrit with Prativādi Bhayaṅkaram Annaṅgarācāryār’s Sārārtta Dīpikai commentary in Maṇipravāḷa (ALRC, 2019), Paramata Bhaṅga: An Exposition – Śrī Vedānta Deśika’s Critique of Non-Viśiṣṭādvaita Philosophies (ALRC, 2020).
- Writes articles and reviews regularly for ALRC’s Brahmavidyā
- Edits Brahmavidyā, the research journal of ALRC, since 2017.
- Was a guest faculty for Post-graduate courses in Advaita at Satya Nilayam, Chennai.
- Interests include building harmony through interfaith and intercultural dialogues.
Academic Qualifications:
- M.A (Indian Philosophy), M.A (Sanskrit), M.A (English)
- Ph.D in Indian Philosophy (Univ. of Madras)
Vedānta study
Studied Advaita Vedānta for nearly two decades under H.H. Sw. Paramarthananda Saraswati, founder-ācārya of Vedanta Vidyarthi Sangha, Chennai. This ācārya trained under H.H. Sw. Chinmayananda Saraswati and H.H. Dayananda Saraswati, and has been teaching Advaita Vedānta in a structured format in English regularly from the simplest to the most complex texts for almost 45 years now. He has written the Foreword to my Critical Edition and Translation of Jñānāṅkuśam with Two Commentaries, a Advaita work.