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The Theosophical Society

International Headquarters, Adyar, Chennai, India

Medha Gautam Garden

The lawn in front of the Headquarters main building

Leadbeater Chambers



Next International Convention 31.12.2024 - 4.1.2025

Mission of The Theosophical Society

The mission is to serve humanity by cultivating an ever-deepening understanding and realization of the Ageless Wisdom, spiritual self-transformation, and the unity of all life.

TS around the world

TS World
click for International Directory

The Theosophical Society, founded in 1875, is a worldwide organization. It has branches in around sixty countries throughout the world. You can find Sections, Associations, Agencies, Lodges attached to Adyar, and Retreat Centres. 

When on the map-page, you can 
* zoom in and out like google map
* by clicking the blue symbol a POP-UP will appear
* by scrolling below the map, there is a LIST of all TS organizations.

12th World Congress, TS

"Toward Insight and Wholeness: Our Role in Shaping the Future". The venue is in University of British Columbia, in Vancouver, CANADA. Dates: 23 - 27 July 2025.

The School of the Wisdom

The SOW is particularly meant for members of the Theosophical Society to deepen their understanding of theosophy, making it a living force in daily life.

The Theosophical Society

The Theosophical Society, founded in 1875, is a worldwide organization focused on Service to Humanity based on the realization that life, and all its diverse forms, human and non-human, are indivisibly One.

Ongoing and coming events

SOW 2024 September
Date: -
19:30 IST - 19:30 IST
At Adyar Campus
Date: -
16:00 IST - 17:30 IST
At Adyar Campus
The School of the Wisdom
Date: -
14:00 IST - 17:00 IST
At Adyar Campus
The School of the Wisdom
Date: -
00:30 IST - 01:30 IST
At Adyar Campus
SOW 2025 November
Date: -
09:00 IST - 17:00 IST
At Adyar Campus
149th International Convention
Date: -
08:30 IST - 20:00 IST
At Adyar Campus
SOW 2025 January
Date: -
09:00 IST - 14:00 IST
At Adyar Campus
SOW 2025 February
Date: -
08:30 IST - 17:00 IST

The Theosophist

August 2024
Volume 145
Issue No: 11
July 2024
Volume 145
Issue No: 10
June 2024
Volume 145
Issue No: 9
May 2024
Volume 145
Issue No: 8