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Theosophia Pure and Applied: The Source of Immemorial Wisdom and Its Outflowing
At Adyar Campus
SOW 2026 November

Time (IST)


Event Speaker

FREE FOR MEMBERS of The Theosophical Society, NON-MEMBERS can access the course by paying a fee of 50 USD or 25 USD (chosen countries) or 2000 INR (India).
(Non-members will receive payment instructions after approved application.)


The days start with Meditation followed by classes of 2-2.5 hours in the morning and 1.5-2 hours in the afternoon. The afternoon sessions time can change and most likely they ocurrences will be decided with the facilitator once the session On-campus starts.
Detailed timing will be provided for the participants.


Adopting a strictly eclectic and interactive approach, this course considers first the source of immemorial wisdom. Then we trace its outflowing into wisdom streams in both the East and the West that have enriched science, philosophy, religion and culture. Strong emphasis will be placed on modern teachings that complement classical Theosophy

Our purpose is to show how the wisdom tradition serves as a universal formula on the fundamental verities of life, thus providing the means to cope intelligently and resolve crises besetting all ages: the interminable problem of war, the conundrum of good and evil, the scourge of disease and the nature of the human being.

Recommended Readings: 

(will be updated soon)


Edi Bilimoria: A Consultant Engineer by profession, also a choral singer and dedicated classical pianist, Edi Bilimoria has been a student of the perennial philosophy for well over half a century, His works are The Snake and the Rope and Unfolding Consciousness in four volumes (both awarded the book prize), and Consciousness Came First.

What is provided

Accommodation is provided during the event duration.
Participants will receive printed matter which outlines activities
Please bring your own laptop/notepad etc.
Meals are optionally provided. Sign up for it separately