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The Spiritual Path of the Theosophical Movement

School of the Wisdom Session

Time (IST)


Event Speaker

Course is free. Donations are welcome.


We will look at the Objects and Aims of the Society, the Path as outlined in the Maha-Chohan’s Letter, and again in The Key to Theosophy. We will look at the topic as presented by the Mahatmas in their Letters, as well as by HPB in her correspondence. We will discuss the topic as presented by Annie Besant, C. Jinarajadasa and N. Sri Ram.

Students are encouraged to find their own answers through study and contemplation.

Recommended reading:

The Key to Theosophy by H.P. Blavatsky

The Mahatma Letters

Inaugural Addresses of Four Presidents of the Theosophical Society

Three Objects [] by Ed Abdill

The Purpose of the Society’s Objects by Joy Mills, The Theosophist, Volume 118, November 1996.


Mr Jon Knebel has been a student of Theosophy for over 20 years. He led a Mahatma Letters study group at the Olcott headquarters from September 2011 until April 2014. Jon has now taken on the responsibility for the compiling, editing and publishing of H. P. Blavatsky’s personal correspondence as part of the Collected Writings series.
Jon also served on the board of directors of the Theosophical Order of Service in America and on the board of International Theosophy Conferences, Inc.


What is provided

Accommodation is provided during the event duration. Meals are optionally provided. Sign up for accommodation