Pablo Sender and Michele Sender
Pablo Sender, PhD
Joined the Theosophical Society (TS) in his native Argentina in 1996 where he received his doctorate in Biological Sciences. He has lived and worked at the international headquarters of the TS in Adyar, India and at the national center of the TS in America. He is currently at the Krotona Institute of Theosophy in Ojai, California. As an international speaker, he has presented programs and retreats worldwide. A leading Theosophical scholar, Pablo has been a student of the teachings of H. P. Blavatsky for over twenty-five years. His background encompasses both Theosophy and Science, enabling him to present spiritual teachings in a way that is profound, precise, and practical.
Visit his website at PabloSender.com.
Michele Sender
Has been a member of the Theosophical Society since 2006. She lived and worked at the national headquarters of the TS in America and is currently part of the community at Krotona Institute of Theosophy. She has a degree in education and has given lectures, classes, and seminars on Theosophy and its practical application in daily life both in the US and abroad. She is the founder of Fohat Productions, a publishing company created to share the living power of Theosophy.
For more information - michele@fohatproductions.com.