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North Indian Study Camp, with Tim Boyd

The Three Objects

Time (IST)


Event Speaker

Registration Fee, Accommodation Charges, and Meal Charges per person (from the evening of 16 October to noon on 21 October) will be Rs.950/- (Registration Fee- Rs. 50/-; Accommodation Charges with Bed Roll- Rs. 150/-; and Meal Charges- Rs. 750/-). A few special rooms will be available for Rs. 300/- during the camp (for only 20 persons).


The North India Study Camp at the Section Headquarters, Varanasi will be held from 17 to 20 October, 2015.

Bro. Tim Boyd, International President of the TS, will direct the study


The participants are requested to study the following articles:
‘The Purpose of the Society’s Objects’ by Joy Mills,
‘The Three Objects’ by Rohit Mehta,
‘Our Objects’ by Hugh Shearman,
‘The Objects and their Relevance to the Theosophical Life’ by John Algeo, and
‘The Universal Brotherhood of Humanity’ by Edward Abdill.
The aforesaid articles can be found at the following website:

S. Sundaram
General Secretary

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