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International gathering of Young Theosophists

The Search for Truth and Theosophy Today

Time (IST)

The costings for the event are not confirmed yet. There is no registration fee however and the charges will include accommodation and catering (food). Approximate cost estimations: from R$ 50,00 (approximately 12,50 Euros) to R$ 120,00 (approximately 30,00 Euros) per person per night depending on facilities.


In 2016 there will be a Theosophical Gathering of Young Theosophists in Brazil, again! And at this time it will be I-N-T-E-R-N-A-T-I-O-N-A-L!!!
The International President of the Theosophical Society, Tim Boyd, will join in this beautiful gathering and share this moment!

International Gathering of Young Theosophists

After organizing three successful and inspiring national gatherings for young people in Brazil, the Brazilian young theosophists decided to take one step further and host the first International Gathering of Young Theosophists. 

An international gathering of young theosophists represents the creation of friendship bonds that will help the growth of the Theosophical Society, not only for the young people of today but for future generations as well. However, many young people cannot afford to travel the world for that, so we are encouraging members and especially national sections to financially support at least one young theosophist from its country to attend this event, thus directly supporting a young theosophist known in the section.

Alternatively, we will soon have a crowdfunding system, in which any person can make a donation to the event. Part of the donations will be allocated to support young theosophists with their travel costs. If interested, please email us at . 

We hope to see young theosophists coming from all parts of the world. Please help us to unite new generations for this common goal.

With brotherly love,

Organising Committee of the International Gathering of Young Theosophists

What is provided

The event will take place on the grounds of the well-known Theosophical Institute of Brasilia, also known as “Paraíso na Terra”, in English “Paradise on Earth.” It is truly a magical place: in a wonderful natural setting, with breathtaking views and many cascades! Discover this paradise close to Brasilia, the capital of Brazil, by checking out some of the amazing pictures.