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Human Evolution and Spirituality


Time (IST)



Theosophical teachings suggest that there are three schemes of evolution: physical, intellectual and spiritual. Consciousness and matter affect each other because they are two constituents of one whole. Spirit and matter, life and form are ever inseparable. This session will explore of the evolution of form and the unfoldment of consciousness in the light of Theosophy.

Recommended reading

  • Ancient Wisdom by Annie Besant
  • A Study in Consciousness by Annie Besant


Prof. C. A. Shinde is the Director of the Adyar Library and Research Centre and a National Lecturer for the Indian Section of the TS.

What is provided

Accommodation is provided during the event duration.
Participants will receive printed matter which outlines activities
Please bring your own laptop/notepad etc.
Meals are optionally provided. Sign up for it separately