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Glimpses on Chinese Philosophies in the Light of Theosophy


Wisdom, the universal heritage, cannot be confined to a particular region on earth. Almost at the same epoch of the flowering of great philosophies in India, another part of the East, namely China, witnessed the blossoming of great philosophical thinkers. This session will tentatively give a broad outline of Chinese philosophies in the light of theosophy.

The first week will deal with the foundations of Chinese mind before Bodhidharma. There will be exploration into the I-Ching, the Tao Teh King as well as the Analects, while making glimpses on main great Chinese philosophers such as Lao Tzeu, Confucius, Tshuang Tzeu, etc. Approach to theosophical concepts will be tentatively shown.

The second week will be dedicated to examining the evolution of the Chinese thought under the influence of Bodhidharma’s contribution. With the birth of Chan Buddhism and its development, Chinese practical mind grew into metaphysical dimensions. Some aspects of Chan and Zen Buddhism will be examined. The week will end with an exploration into another dimension of the I-Ching as a book of oracle. If time allows, the daily life in Chan Buddhist monasteries will be illustrated.

Recommended reading

- I-Ching, original text translated by Richard Wilhelm & Baynes, Princeton University Press
- Tao Teh King*
- The Analects* by Confucius, Dover Publications, Inc. New York
- Chuang Tzu, Basic Writings*, translated by Burton Watson, Colombia University Press
- Zen Buddhism by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki (three volumes)
- The network of thought by Jiddu Krisnamurti*, KFI
- Seeking Wisdom by N Sri Ram*, TPH Adyar
(*) recommended to read before attending

What is provided

Accommodation is provided during the event duration. Meals are optionally provided.