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Concept and Reality


The first 5 days the accent will be on the texts that have been recommen­ded below. Based on the third book and on my own experience, we will practise meditation daily and after the 10th December we can shift the accent from the intellectual to the experiential.

Daily there will be plenty of time for Dharma discussion as well.

Recommended reading:

What the Buddha taught by Walpola Rahula -link or link
Concept and Reality by Katukurunde Nyanananda -link
The Heart of Buddhist Meditation -link
Also attached in pdf


Ven. Olande Ananda Thera has been ordained in Sri Lanka on 21st September 1975 and received Higher Ordination in August 1977.
  • He was resident teacher at Rockhill International Meditation Centre, Sri Lanka
  • 1982- now: Buddhist Delegate to Inter-religious living Dialogue, held in Germany, Sri Lanka, India, Bali, Japan, Pakistan, France etc.
  • He conducted retreats and taught meditation all over the world.
  • He is a member of INEB (International Network of Engaged Buddhists), and INEB Netherlands, and of the Network of Western Buddhist Teachers Conference, and of the Advisory Board of Mandala Project of Tibet House, New Delhi, India.
  • Since 1997 Resident meditation teacher at Pagoda Meditation Centre, Pagoda, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka

What is provided

Accommodation is provided during the event duration. Meals are optionally provided. Sign up for accommodation