From the Foreword by Dr. Karan Singh:
‘Sri Krishna Prem brings his marvellous intellect and intuitive awareness
to bear upon the Kathopanishad… His deep knowledge not only of Indian
but also of Western mystics such as Meister Eckhart and Hermes
Trismegistus enrich his commentary… representing a holistic approach to
life and the spiritual quest. Around the world, seekers on the path will
derive great inspiration from these two books (The Yoga of the Kathopanishad
and The Yoga of the Bhagavat Gita) written by a man blessed not only with a
spiritual vision but with the intellectual capacity to present that vision in
glowing prose.
It is amazing how our seers could not only pr esent the deepest spiritual
truths but do so in a most poetic manner, so that the Upanishads become
not only great spiritual guides but great literary texts. When added to this
there is a translation and commentary by Sri Krishna Pr em, we have before
us a marvellous combination that makes this book one of Sri Krishna
Prem’s finest contributions.’