• What is the Universe?
• Is there something transcendent?
• Who am I really?
• Is there something beyond death?
• Do we live other times in this world?
• Why are people so different?
• Why do certain things happen to me?
• What are my mind and emotions hiding?
• How can I know myself?
• How can I improve my relationships with others and
with Nature?
• How can I realize my inner potential?
Many people wonder about the meaning of Life and the Universe. Theosophy is the essential knowledge about Life that has been expressed by notable people in different times and cultures. Helena P. Blavatsky rediscovered this perennial tradition of general culture at the end of the 19th century and since then many thinkers have expressed it, have made their contributions and modern science corroborates and expands this vision. How do we reconcile this universal and transcendent vision with the discoveries of modern science, historical research, and the culture of our time?
This course examines the foundations of Theosophy, looking at its sources, its reflection in modern knowledge, discrepancies with common ideas, and especially the potential of Theosophy to transform our lives and improve the world.