The Adyar Library Series Volume One Hundred Twenty- Eight
........... So I was delighted to hear that my esteemed good friend Dr Radha Raghunathan had provided to mark fittingly the 750th birth anniversary of Sri Desika, a relatively short and concise exposition of all twenty four adhikaras of the Parmatabhanga . Her summaries are precise and lucid, and most helpful for the reader in understanding the systems under consideration and Sri Desika's precise critiques of them and prudent commendation of the Panacaratra. While there is no substitute for reading the Paramatabhanga itself, this exposition will , in my judgement, be of use even to a wide range of Srivaisnavas, and of use to teachers wishing to introduce students to the brilliant range of Sri Desika's thought. Her footnotes are precise and illuminating too, and readers will find the combination of the exposition plus the notes to be solid foundation for further study of the whole or parts of the Paramatabhanga . This exposition therefore in many ways a fitting tribute to Sri Desika at this most memorable 750th birthday anniversary. .........
Francis X. Clooney,SJ