This companion volume to The Earth and its cycles with history in the light of Theosophy and is based on lectures delivered at the School of the Wisdom, Adyar, Madras.
The general principles of evolutionary psychology were first expounded by Professor J.E.Marcault in The Evolution of Man and were illustrated from the history of science in Studies in Evolutionary Psychology by E.W.Preston and C.G.Trew. Both these books are now out of print. The present writer convinced of the validity of these principles, has with permission, selected and expanded the material so that the theory may again be available to students.
Part I introduces the concept of life as an expanding spiral in Nature and man.
Part II discusses racial evolution in terms of consciousness.
Part III deals with modern races and their psychology.
Part IV is an attempt to see the working out of these ideas in the present and future. It is inevitable that this portion of the work should become out of date almost as soon as it is written: but it may be of value to students to note possible future developments.
In the view here put forward the process of evolution is considered as taking place by a successive focusing of the consciousness through the kingdoms of Nature, in individual man, and in nations and races. In each there is a similar pattern, in each there are stages of emergent or explosive evolution when new characteristics, arising from the life within, force a change. This growth takes place in an ever-expanding spiral which gradually includes all manifestation and all life.