The Adyar Library Pamphlet Series No. 68
This edition of Astasloki accomplishes certain extraordinary importance due to its varied aspects.First of all, the speciality remains as this is a release in connection with the Millenary celebration of Sri Ramanuja. The original text with translation and introduction was first published in Text and Studies section of Brahmavidya. Now added Sarartta Dipikai, a commentary in Manipravala with verbatim translation to it. Secondly, this work is enhanced with a scholarly foreword by Dr. S.Padmanabhan, an erudite scholar and Researcher on Parasara. A detailed study on esoteric trinity also has been presented in his preface by Dr M.K. Srinivasan, an authority and living legend in Visistadvaita Philosophy. In addition to these specifications explanatory notes and special meaning are given wherever it is needed to clarify the purport of the occasion.