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Blavatsky Bungalow

Blavatsky Avenue
Adyar, Chennai 600020
Tamil Nadu

Meditation in the Light of Theosophy

Although meditation covers a wide range of methods, in the essentials they aim at one direction: to master the mind, at first. Understanding and practicing meditation would further lead to modify one’s own paradigm, and thus to transform one’s way of living. Through awareness, one can heal oneself and the world. This would lead to the thorough assimilation of the entire process of meditation, and particularly of HBP Meditation Diagram.

Living Theosophy in 21st Century

We are living at a time where the evolution of our human civilizations is accelerating. Values, ethics & community's life models are changing rapidly. Science and Technologies are reshaping the landscape of our human development. Ancient Wisdom teachings are more than ever a robust guide on an ever-moving path. Their application to day-to-day life requires an adaptation to the new challenges.