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Blavatsky Avenue
Adyar, Chennai 600020
Tamil Nadu

Key Teachings in The Secret Doctrine and Their Relevance Today

The Secret Doctrine, HP Blavatsky’s greatest work, forms the foundation of what we know today as “Theosophy.” Described as the ‘Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy,” it presents a vast panorama of the evolution of all life based on the secret aphorisms of the ancient Stanzas of Dzyan. The teachings are therefore not new. They have been introduced in various forms by sages throughout the ages and continue to remain timeless. They answer the most fundamental questions of existence such as: How did our universe come to be?

Discovering Dialogue - In Freedom from the Known

“To explore, as we are going to do, there must be freedom, not at the end, but right at the beginning. Unless one is free one cannot explore, investigate or examine.”
J Krishnamurti

In this ten day exploration into discovering dialogue, inspired by the teachings of Jiddu Krishnamurti, we will explore the workings of the mind. We will look at how our beliefs, opinions, thoughts and conclusions limit, distort and fragment perception, dividing us from one another and destroying relationship.

Deeper into Meditation

In this SOW Session we hope to get deeper into Meditation 

Both the theoretical background, based on the Buddha's original Teachings (Dhamma) and by practical Guided Meditations on a daily basis.

Daily there will be plenty of time for Dharma discussion as well.