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Blavatsky Bungalow

Blavatsky Avenue
Adyar, Chennai 600020
Tamil Nadu

The Meditative Brain, a Challenge to the Digital Revolution

"The Meditating Brain, a Challenge of the Digital Revolution" is a seminar about our nervous system, how our brain processes information and creates our reality. Using a reductionist approach we will study the neurons; the sense organs; the brain, it's structures and the different areas of the cortex; consciousness and self - awareness; memory; meta cognition; the development of the nervous system of animals and the Homo Sapiens brain. How our brain processes the information in digital and analog modes.

Concept and Reality

The first 5 days the accent will be on the texts that have been recommen­ded below. Based on the third book and on my own experience, we will practise meditation daily and after the 10th December we can shift the accent from the intellectual to the experiential.

Daily there will be plenty of time for Dharma discussion as well.

The Spiritual Path of the Theosophical Movement

We will look at the Objects and Aims of the Society, the Path as outlined in the Maha-Chohan’s Letter, and again in The Key to Theosophy. We will look at the topic as presented by the Mahatmas in their Letters, as well as by HPB in her correspondence. We will discuss the topic as presented by Annie Besant, C. Jinarajadasa and N. Sri Ram.

Students are encouraged to find their own answers through study and contemplation.

Recommended reading:

The Key to Theosophy by H.P. Blavatsky

The Mahatma Letters