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Adyar, Headquarters Hall

Blavatsky Avenue
Adyar, Chennai 600020
Tamil Nadu


White Lotus Day 2018


  1. Universal Prayer
  2. Opening remarks by Ms Marja Artamaa
  3. Talk on H. P. Blavatsky by Ms Nancy Secrest
  4. Readings from
    • The Voice of the Silence by Mr Umakanth Rao
    • Bhagavadgita by Mrs Veena Ranachandran
    • The Light of Asia by Mrs Clemice Petter
  5. Closing remarks by Mr Harihara Raghavan
  6. Chanting by Jaishree Kannan
  7. Offering of flowers


95th South India Conference

The 95th South India Theosophical Conference will be held at the International Headquarters, Adyar, Chennai from 30.03.2018 to 01.04.2018. It will be on “THE ILLUINATION MUST COME FROM WITHIN”. Members of the Theosophical Society [TS] in good standing are welcome to attend as delegates, and are requested to study following books:

Krishnamurti and the Ageless Wisdom

w/ Kerala TS members visiting TS Adyar

A group of 15 members from Kerala are visiting our TS Adyar Head-quarters on Saturday, 12 August 2017. In addition, the group is taking part in a weekend retreat at the Krishnamurti Foundation, Vasanta Vihar, which will be held in Malayalam.

As part of the visit to our Headquarters, an interactive session, beginning with a short talk followed by questions and answers, will be held in our Main Hall on Monday, 14 August, from 3.00 to 4 pm. The theme of this session is: